Wine products can have a lot of information not found on other e-commerce products. A good example is the ABV of the wine in the bottle, or region the grapes came from. Bloom allows you to save specifications for every product. These specifications are used for reporting purposes.  

If you are integrating with ShipCompliant, it is required that you set product specifications for all products that will be checked for shipping compliance. 


Product Specifications

Setup product types in Shopify
Before we begin, make sure your products have been organized by "Type" in Shopify. Navigate out of Bloom to Shopify/Products. On a product detail view, on the right under Organization, select a product type. Most wines will be of type 'Wine' but you may have crated other types you should apply. Types are used to organize product collections and limit what products will display when adding specificaitons (you don't need to add ABV spec to a bottle opener, for example.)


1. Import products to Bloom

Once your products are organized by type, you can click "Select product types." 

2. Decide what product types you want to add specifications too, and select those types by checking the box next to the type name.

3. Choose product to add specifications

Click on a product or variant's name to add fields, such as ABV and quantity.

4. Add specifications for products

Wine products all share similar attributes, for instance both a bottle and a magnum of the same product share specifications like ABV, varietal, vintage, etc. Wine product variants, which is normally just the size, need to have specifications defined for each variant. See next section for details. 

5. Add specifications for variants

Since you can have different variants of a wine (bottle size for example) you can also add product variant specs. At the bottom of the product specifications view, you can add the type of container and the volume of variant products. 

You can also edit product specifications from Shopify using the "More actions" dropdown. Discover what else you can do with "More actions"