For reporting and accounting reasons your orders need to be categorized by sales type. When an order is created in Shopify, the customer's sales type is added as a meta field to the order. After the order is created you can edit the sales type. This is necessary when your order has the incorrect sales type due to a mistake by the user when the order was created, or if orders aren't automatically set to the correct sales type.

Here are some important rules to understand:

  • All club orders (batches), member orders (create order), web store orders, and POS orders will be marked as Retail, regardless of the customer's sales type. So, the vast majorty of customers don't need a sales type.
  • Orders created in Shopify manaully, using the Draft Order feature will use the customer's sales type on the order. These are typically Wholesale, Distributor, and Dontations.
  • Distributors should have a license ID for reporting purposes. 
  • Make sure all non-sales orders (samples, product given away, etc.) uses a customer with the propler sales type.


Update an order's sales type

 1. Go to a order detail view
In Shopify, click on orders, then pick the order you want to update to from the list. When the order detail view loads use the More actions drop-down and select Edit order specifications.

2. Order specifications view
The order specifications view will load. For each order, you can edit the Sales Type from the drop-down. There is other order metadata in this view that you can't edit, but that you might find useful. 


3. Save
Save the updates then navigate back to the order detail view. Now, when you run reports, the order will be categorized with the correct sales type.