Payments sometimes fail when memberships are processed. If a payment fails you or your member will first need to update their billing info. After the credit card or billing information is updated you can re-process the payment. 


Reconciling payments that have failed

1. Click on the failed payments link.

On each membership level, there is a red link that shows how many failed payments belong to that level. Click the red failed payments link. This link loads the processed batches for that membership.


2. Click on the batch name that has failed payments.

If there are several batches with failed payments, you need to resolve each batch individually.


3. Click the purple Reprocess button next to the failed membership you want to reprocess.


 4. Delete the payment

After a few attempts, it's best to delete the payment and start over. Click the Trash can button if you wish to delete the payment.


If the payment continues to fail to process, delete the payment. Create a new batch with just the membership that is failing and attempt to process it again. If the payment isn't successful then you'll need to contact the member. Their bank is rejecting the payment for some reason. If the payment is older than a week, you should also delete and start over. Transactions are only saved in the gateway for about a week.